If you are getting ready to move into a new apartment, there are some definite musts that you should make sure to accomplish before you’ll be ready to carry your first load of stuff in the front door.
Change your address at your local post office.
What will you take with you? Donate or sell things you do not use or that won't fit into your new place. Or if you are downsizing you may consider renting a storage unit or ask the apartment if they rent storage closets or even a garage.
Purchase packing supplies.
How will you move? Are you using a full service moving company? Renting a U-haul truck? Decide which is best and schedule your move or truck rental.
Start packing at least 2 weeks before your move if possible.
Sign and return your lease. Be sure to photocopy and keep a copy for yourself.
Get Renter's Insurance! Almost all apartments require their residents to have renter's insurance before they move in. Texas renter's insurance is pretty inexpensive; on average about $5-$20 per month.
Schedule your utility turn-ons, including water, electric, gas, trash, cable and internet. Some apartments will be taking care of trash, water and maybe even a few others, so you won’t have to worry about them. But check just to make sure.
Pick up the keys. Make a duplicate copy for yourself immediately. Some renters prefer to use those duplicates and store the originals somewhere safe so they don’t risk losing them.
Inspect your apartment, complete a "Move In Condition Form" and return it to the apartment office. Take notes on any and all wear-and-tear, visible damage or problems that exist prior to you moving in. Photograph everything, some tenants even take the pictures with the front page of that day's newspaper to prove the pictures were taken when the tenant moved in as opposed to when the tenant moved out. This is necessary so that when you move out you won’t be charged for pre-existing damage and can get your deposit back!
Need help finding your next apartment? We would love to assist you! Start your apartment search today!