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We'll make your "Second Chance Apartment" search easy. For free.
Broken lease? Eviction? Poor Credit? Background issues?
Complete the form below and one our second chance leasing pros will assist you!
We service the following metro areas and surrounding areas of Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio and Austin.
Our service is 100% free to you. The most common misconception about second chance apartments is they will work with ALL leasing issues. No, not true, there is NO universal second chance list of apartments that considers ALL leasing issues. The term "Second Chance Apartments" could mean anything from considering less than perfect credit to background issues. While one community may consider an unpaid broken lease over a certain period of years with a higher deposit, another may require the debt is paid off. Rental criteria varies by apartment. Our locators are licensed real estate agents trained to review rental criteria and recommend apartments that you have a fair chance of approval at based on the apartment's rental criteria and info you have provided. To have the best chance of app approval please be upfront and honest with your locator and communicate with them often.
Keep in mind every community in our database will check credit, background, will verify employment and income. Using our services with any intent to commit fraud will not be tolerated. This means if you mention anything to your locator about attempting to falsify an application(s) - will result in us not being able to assist you at ALL.
Good stable job history and verifiable income is a MUST for second chance leasing. (most apartments require applicants make 3 times the amount of rent)
Here are some second chance issues we may be able to help with.
Poor Credit - Case by Case
Unpaid Broken Lease - Must be a minimum of over 1 or 2 years in most areas. (the older it is the more options)
Unpaid Eviction - Must be a minimum of over 1 or 2 years in most areas. (the older it is the more options)
Small Unpaid NON-eviction landlord dent under $500 or under $1500 in some areas with a 550 minimum credit score required.
Paid off Eviction or Paid off Broken Lease - recent ok with proof of payment letter.
Bankruptcy - Must be closed/discharged
Misdemeanor: Case by case
Felony: Needs to be over 5 years minimum in most areas - case by case - some charges have longer time restrictions. (*in the DFW market a few apartments will consider recent DWI or Fraud felony, or Drug Possession felony if only ONE over 1 year)
Here are some second chance issues we CANNOT help with - as there are simply no apartments in our databases that consider these second chance issues per their rental criteria.
Any sexually related crime regardless of how old
More than one rental debt
Open Bankruptcy
Applicants that do NOT meet income requirement
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